
FOSS projects out of Zerodha.
  • listmonk

    ★ 16089

    High performance, self-hosted, newsletter and mailing list manager with a modern dashboard. Single binary app.

  • koanf

    ★ 3001

    Simple, extremely lightweight, extensible, configuration management library for Go. Supports JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.

  • csvtotable

    ★ 1127

    Simple command-line utility to convert CSV files to searchable and sortable HTML table.

  • dungbeetle

    ★ 922

    A distributed job server built specifically for queuing and executing heavy SQL read jobs asynchronously. Separate out reporting layer from apps. MySQL, Postgres, ClickHouse.

  • otpgateway

    ★ 444

    Standalone server for user address and OTP verification flows with pluggable providers (e-mail, SMS, bank penny drops etc.)

  • Tasqueue

    ★ 409

    A background jobs library for Go that allows pluggable brokers/store for distribution.

  • A Flutter plugin to set display mode in Android

  • stuffbin

    ★ 180

    Compress and embed static files and assets into Go binaries and access them with a virtual file system in production

  • calert

    ★ 166

    🔔 Send alert notifications to Google Chat via Prometheus Alertmanager

  • simples3

    ★ 159

    Simple no frills AWS S3 Golang Library using REST with V4 Signing (without AWS Go SDK)

  • kubekutr

    ★ 159

    Cookie cutter templating tool for scaffolding K8s manifests

  • Live streaming option chain for equity derivatives using Kite connect Websocket based on redis.

  • A frappe app to upload file attachments in doctypes to s3.

  • autopilot

    ★ 109

    A test driver for Flutter to do QA testing without sharing app source code.

  • Flutter plugin to detect when app(not Flutter container) goes to background or foreground

  • A tiny Javsacript library for sideloading static assets on pages and caching them in the browser's IndexedDB for longer-term storage.

  • fastglue

    ★ 80

    Fastglue is an opinionated, bare bones wrapper that glues together fasthttp and fasthttprouter to act as a micro HTTP framework.

  • pfxsigner

    ★ 74

    A CLI utility and web server for digitally signing PDFs with docsign loaded from PFX (PKCS#12) files

  • kaf-relay

    ★ 70

    Replicate and sync Kafka topics between clusters in realtime. Supports topic re-mapping, healthchecks, and hot failovers for high availability.

  • linkpage

    ★ 67

    LinkPage is a FOSS self-hosted alternative to link listing websites such as LinkTree and

  • simplesessions is a Go session management library that is completely agnostic of HTTP libraries and frameworks, backend stores, and even cookie jars.

  • slim-ui

    ★ 62

    Simple components library used for building lightweight vuejs projects

  • goyesql

    ★ 62

    Parse SQL files with multiple named queries and automatically prepare and scan them into structs.

  • Lightweight HTTP server to handle webhooks from listmonk and forward it to different messengers.

  • Flutter plugin to use libcurl for HTTP calls

  • rbiparser

    ★ 54

    A utility for downloading, parsing and sanitizing bank database (IFSC, MICR, address etc.) Excel sheets from the RBI website.

  • nomctx

    ★ 51

    Faster way to switch between clusters and namespaces in nomad

  • An events collection agent which processes Nomad Events and dumps to external sink providers like HTTP

  • recharge

    ★ 49

    Recharge is a simple library to hot reload your Dart code on file changes

  • lil

    ★ 44

    Simple URL shortener built with Go

  • Frappe app to replace default text editor with tinymce

  • StoreKeeper is an easy and flexible state management system for Flutter apps

  • A small utility to download all dashboards from Grafana and backup to S3

  • gotp

    ★ 32

    Simple utility to live preview Go templates with custom data

  • Utility to extract metrics from arbitary data stores in Prometheus format

  • shelf

    ★ 32

    A Good Symlinks Manager

  • pdf_text_overlay is a python library to write text on top of pdf.

  • A frappe app that has workflows and reports to make payments to vendors by a company and track them

  • toru

    ★ 24

    Toru is a Go module proxy with caching and rewrite capabilities

  • Terraform provider for managing long term portfolio with Zerodha Kite

  • AWS Cost Explorer and EC2 Instance metrics exporter for Prometheus

  • A utility that parse Zerodha Consolidated google spreadsheets and render category-wise scrip details(margins, multiplier, etc)

  • libredesk

    ★ 17

    Fully open source, self-hosted customer support desk. Single binary app.

  • An extremely tiny utility for unmarshalling and scanning querystrings into structs

  • Commandline utility to convert config formats like TOML, JSON, YAML etc to KV Pairs which can be imported via consul cli.

  • Simple frappe app to setup Single sign-on for discourse

  • Osticket plugin to assign tickets automatically to random agents based on teams, department, and activity

  • Subscription discount coupon code manager

  • Vagrant based setup for local Nomad/Consul clusters. Helpful for experimenting with Nomad job specs in an environment similar to production.

  • Tiny lib for exposing health-check endpoints as Prometheus/JSON format

  • tagflow

    ★ 9

    A flutter package that takes html string as input and parses and converts that to Flutter widgets based on the provided configuration.

  • Frappe client written in Go

  • A utility to archive all closed tickets beyond a certain age to disk (including attachments) and delete them from the database. The tickets are archived as JSON files.

  • Utility to create a export a service registry Markdown file from Kong's config

  • Ansible scripts for setting up Zookeeper, Kafka, kaf cli

  • Set of utilities to do deployments in an EKS cluster

  • Simple FAQ generator for Zerodha Kite connect Forum

  • Duckdb extension to calculate fnv hash, fnv partition bucket for a given hash.